Friday, January 30, 2009

Kidnap from Nad's blog... I was bored...

*Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, Realplayer etc. on shuffle.
*For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
*You must write that song name down NO MATTER HOW SILLY it sounds.
*Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
*For best result,put in various song from various singer at least 50 songs

1. If someone says, "Will u marry me..." u say?
tremble for my beloved

2. How would u describe urself?

vegas skies (tak masuk akal)

3. What do u like in a girl / boy?
A beautiful mess... hehe

4. How do u feel today?
I'm yours

5. What is ur life's purpose?
butterfly...this doesn't make any sense

6. What is ur motto?
Kerna Kamu ... (mcm bengong)

7. What do ur friends think of u?
can u keep a secret?

8. What do u think of ur parents?
lovesong of the buzzard...(hahaha dlm mimpi)

9. What do u think about very often?

holes inside

10. What is some good advice for me?
bella's lullaby

11. What do u think of ur best fren?

if it kills me... hehehe

12. What do u think of the person u like?

this city is contagious ... agk betul...

13. What is ur life story?
Zzzzz... ( i know my life is boring but do u have to give me this song)...hehe

14. What do u want to be when u grow up?
full moon...

15. What do u think of when u see the person u like?

16. What will u dance at ur wedding?

Sampai syurga... aduh lagu syahdu

17. What will they play at ur funeral?
lullaby... mentang2 aku dah tido selama-lamanye

18. What is ur hobby / interest?

19. What is ur biggest fear?
If u see kay

20. What is ur biggest secret?
the end is where we begin

21. What do u think of ur friends?
eyes on fire...hehehe

22. What did u do last night?


23. How would u describe ur mom?
mahakarya cinta... (gilalah aku)

24. What do people assume when then first look at me?

rusty halo... dahsyat wooo...

25. Will I have a happy life?

flightless bird